Q-Main partnered again with long-term partner Zinfra to complete the installation of the new transformer room at East Malvern Zone Substation.
Project Overview
Q-Main were awarded the contract to supply and install a new tilt-panel constructed building at East Malvern Zone Substation.
This project involved:
- The excavation, formwork and steel fixing work for the new transformer building
- The supply and installation of the concrete tilt panel building
- The trenching and installation of conduit to re-route HV feeds into the new building
All of these were completed within a live substation environment, with all the challenges and precautions that go along with working in such a high-risk environment.
Q-Main has well-established safe working procedures and methodologies for working in high-risk environments, which allow our staff to complete projects such as this one with zero lost time injuries and zero incidences on site.
Along with Zinfra, Q-Main completed this project on time and on budget, and with 100% customer satisfaction.